Power BI Business Intelligence Report | MS Access Split Database

When a project is contained within the boundaries of the initial project definition it is said to be in scope. Please know that the importance of staying in scope on your Power BI or MS Access project is very important to me, so talking with you about project scope upfront is also very important.

In some company cultures, scope gets pre-approved by a committee and budget is tracked with internally between departments as if they were separate businesses. The discussion of additional enhancements may not be wanted or may be forbidden. If this is your culture, please know that I will honor it.

Other less formal companies may ask me to document the current requested requirement as well as any other enhancements that would improve the business process. For example, a project may have only one requirement that is to install an auto-dialing feature to an existing app but I may observe users constantly switching to an email app to draft a standard email. In this case, I would also document the amount of time per day an auto-emailing enhancement would save if installed in the Access application.

Project scope is very important to most clients, so please know that is important to me.